IANA Keyword Port IANA Desciption
0 Reserved
tcpmux 1 TCP Port Service Multiplexer
compressnet 2 Management Utility
compressnet 3 Compression Process
rje 5 Remote Job Entry
echo 7 Echo
discard 9 Discard
systat 11 Active Users
daytime 13 Daytime (RFC 867)
qotd 17 Quote of the Day
msp 18 Message Send Protocol
chargen 19 Character Generator
ftp-data 20 File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp 21 File Transfer [Control]
ssh 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
telnet 23 Telnet
24 any private mail system
smtp 25 Simple Mail Transfer
nsw-fe 27 NSW User System FE
msg-icp 29 MSG ICP
msg-auth 31 MSG Authentication
dsp 33 Display Support Protocol
35 any private printer server
time 37 Time
rap 38 Route Access Protocol
rlp 39 Resource Location Protocol
graphics 41 Graphics
name 42 Host Name Server
nameserver 42 Host Name Server
nicname 43 Who Is
mpm-flags 44 MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm 45 Message Processing Module [recv]
mpm-snd 46 MPM [default send]
ni-ftp 47 NI FTP
auditd 48 Digital Audit Daemon
tacacs 49 Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
re-mail-ck 50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol
la-maint 51 IMP Logical Address Maintenance
xns-time 52 XNS Time Protocol
domain 53 Domain Name Server
xns-ch 54 XNS Clearinghouse
isi-gl 55 ISI Graphics Language
xns-auth 56 XNS Authentication
57 any private terminal access
xns-mail 58 XNS Mail
59 any private file service
60 Unassigned
ni-mail 61 NI MAIL
acas 62 ACA Services
whois++ 63 whois++
covia 64 Communications Integrator (CI)
tacacs-ds 65 TACACS-Database Service
sql*net 66 Oracle SQL*NET
bootps 67 Bootstrap Protocol Server
bootpc 68 Bootstrap Protocol Client
tftp 69 Trivial File Transfer
gopher 70 Gopher
netrjs-1 71 Remote Job Service
netrjs-2 72 Remote Job Service
netrjs-3 73 Remote Job Service
netrjs-4 74 Remote Job Service
75 any private dial out service
deos 76 Distributed External Object Store
77 any private RJE service
vettcp 78 vettcp
finger 79 Finger
http 80 World Wide Web HTTP
www 80 World Wide Web HTTP
www-http 80 World Wide Web HTTP
hosts2-ns 81 HOSTS2 Name Server
xfer 82 XFER Utility
mit-ml-dev 83 MIT ML Device
ctf 84 Common Trace Facility
mit-ml-dev 85 MIT ML Device
mfcobol 86 Micro Focus Cobol
87 any private terminal link
kerberos 88 Kerberos
su-mit-tg 89 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
dnsix 90 DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
mit-dov 91 MIT Dover Spooler
npp 92 Network Printing Protocol
dcp 93 Device Control Protocol
objcall 94 Tivoli Object Dispatcher
supdup 95 SUPDUP
dixie 96 DIXIE Protocol Specification
swift-rvf 97 Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
tacnews 98 TAC News
metagram 99 Metagram Relay
hostname 101 NIC Host Name Server
iso-tsap 102 ISO-TSAP Class 0
gppitnp 103 Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
acr-nema 104 ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
csnet-ns 105 Mailbox Name Nameserver
cso 105 CCSO name server protocol
3com-tsmux 106 3COM-TSMUX
rtelnet 107 Remote Telnet Service
snagas 108 SNA Gateway Access Server
pop2 109 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
pop3 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
sunrpc 111 SUN Remote Procedure Call
mcidas 112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
auth 113 Authentication Service
audionews 114 Audio News Multicast
sftp 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol
ansanotify 116 ANSA REX Notify
uucp-path 117 UUCP Path Service
sqlserv 118 SQL Services
nntp 119 Network News Transfer Protocol
cfdptkt 120 CFDPTKT
erpc 121 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
smakynet 122 SMAKYNET
ntp 123 Network Time Protocol
ansatrader 124 ANSA REX Trader
locus-map 125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
nxedit 126 NXEdit
locus-con 127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
gss-xlicen 128 GSS X License Verification
pwdgen 129 Password Generator Protocol
cisco-fna 130 cisco FNATIVE
cisco-tna 131 cisco TNATIVE
cisco-sys 132 cisco SYSMAINT
statsrv 133 Statistics Service
ingres-net 134 INGRES-NET Service
epmap 135 DCE endpoint resolution
profile 136 PROFILE Naming System
netbios-ns 137 NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138 NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139 NETBIOS Session Service
emfis-data 140 EMFIS Data Service
emfis-cntl 141 EMFIS Control Service
bl-idm 142 Britton-Lee IDM
imap 143 Internet Message Access Protocol
uma 144 Universal Management Architecture
uaac 145 UAAC Protocol
iso-tp0 146 ISO-IP0
iso-ip 147 ISO-IP
jargon 148 Jargon
aed-512 149 AED 512 Emulation Service
sql-net 150 SQL-NET
hems 151 HEMS
bftp 152 Background File Transfer Program
sgmp 153 SGMP
netsc-prod 154 NETSC
netsc-dev 155 NETSC
sqlsrv 156 SQL Service
knet-cmp 157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
pcmail-srv 158 PCMail Server
nss-routing 159 NSS-Routing
sgmp-traps 160 SGMP-TRAPS
snmp 161 SNMP
snmptrap 162 SNMPTRAP
cmip-man 163 CMIP/TCP Manager
cmip-agent 164 CMIP/TCP Agent
xns-courier 165 Xerox
s-net 166 Sirius Systems
namp 167 NAMP
rsvd 168 RSVD
send 169 SEND
print-srv 170 Network PostScript
multiplex 171 Network Innovations Multiplex
cl/1 172 Network Innovations CL/1
xyplex-mux 173 Xyplex
mailq 174 MAILQ
vmnet 175 VMNET
genrad-mux 176 GENRAD-MUX
xdmcp 177 X Display Manager Control Protocol
nextstep 178 NextStep Window Server
bgp 179 Border Gateway Protocol
ris 180 Intergraph
unify 181 Unify
audit 182 Unisys Audit SITP
ocbinder 183 OCBinder
ocserver 184 OCServer
remote-kis 185 Remote-KIS
kis 186 KIS Protocol
aci 187 Application Communication Interface
mumps 188 Plus Five's MUMPS
qft 189 Queued File Transport
gacp 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol
prospero 191 Prospero Directory Service
osu-nms 192 OSU Network Monitoring System
srmp 193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
irc 194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol
dn6-nlm-aud 195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
dn6-smm-red 196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
dls 197 Directory Location Service
dls-mon 198 Directory Location Service Monitor
smux 199 SMUX
src 200 IBM System Resource Controller
at-rtmp 201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
at-nbp 202 AppleTalk Name Binding
at-3 203 AppleTalk Unused
at-echo 204 AppleTalk Echo
at-5 205 AppleTalk Unused
at-zis 206 AppleTalk Zone Information
at-7 207 AppleTalk Unused
at-8 208 AppleTalk Unused
qmtp 209 The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
z39.50 210 ANSI Z39.50
914c/g 211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
anet 212 ATEXSSTR
ipx 213 IPX
vmpwscs 214 VM PWSCS
softpc 215 Insignia Solutions
CAIlic 216 Computer Associates Int'l License Server
dbase 217 dBASE Unix
mpp 218 Netix Message Posting Protocol
uarps 219 Unisys ARPs
imap3 220 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
fln-spx 221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
rsh-spx 222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
cdc 223 Certificate Distribution Center
masqdialer 224 masqdialer
direct 242 Direct
sur-meas 243 Survey Measurement
inbusiness 244 inbusiness
link 245 LINK
dsp3270 246 Display Systems Protocol
subntbcst_tftp 247 SUBNTBCST_TFTP
bhfhs 248 bhfhs
rap 256 RAP
set 257 Secure Electronic Transaction
yak-chat 258 Yak Winsock Personal Chat
esro-gen 259 Efficient Short Remote Operations
openport 260 Openport
nsiiops 261 IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL
arcisdms 262 Arcisdms
hdap 263 HDAP
bgmp 264 BGMP
x-bone-ctl 265 X-Bone CTL
sst 266 SCSI on ST
td-service 267 Tobit David Service Layer
td-replica 268 Tobit David Replica
http-mgmt 280 http-mgmt
personal-link 281 Personal Link
cableport-ax 282 Cable Port A/X
rescap 283 rescap
corerjd 284 corerjd
fxp-1 286 FXP-1
k-block 287 K-BLOCK
novastorbakcup 308 Novastor Backup
entrusttime 309 EntrustTime
bhmds 310 bhmds
asip-webadmin 311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin
vslmp 312 VSLMP
magenta-logic 313 Magenta Logic
opalis-robot 314 Opalis Robot
dpsi 315 DPSI
decauth 316 decAuth
zannet 317 Zannet
pkix-timestamp 318 PKIX TimeStamp
ptp-event 319 PTP Event
ptp-general 320 PTP General
pip 321 PIP
rtsps 322 RTSPS
texar 333 Texar Security Port
pdap 344 Prospero Data Access Protocol
pawserv 345 Perf Analysis Workbench
zserv 346 Zebra server
fatserv 347 Fatmen Server
csi-sgwp 348 Cabletron Management Protocol
mftp 349 mftp
matip-type-a 350 MATIP Type A
bhoetty 351 bhoetty
matip-type-b 351 MATIP Type B
bhoedap4 352 bhoedap4
dtag-ste-sb 352 DTAG
ndsauth 353 NDSAUTH
bh611 354 bh611
datex-asn 355 DATEX-ASN
cloanto-net-1 356 Cloanto Net 1
bhevent 357 bhevent
shrinkwrap 358 Shrinkwrap
nsrmp 359 Network Security Risk Management Protocol
scoi2odialog 360 scoi2odialog
semantix 361 Semantix
srssend 362 SRS Send
rsvp_tunnel 363 RSVP Tunnel
aurora-cmgr 364 Aurora CMGR
dtk 365 DTK
odmr 366 ODMR
mortgageware 367 MortgageWare
qbikgdp 368 QbikGDP
rpc2portmap 369 rpc2portmap
codaauth2 370 codaauth2
clearcase 371 Clearcase
ulistproc 372 ListProcessor
legent-1 373 Legent Corporation
legent-2 374 Legent Corporation
hassle 375 Hassle
nip 376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
tnETOS 377 NEC Corporation
dsETOS 378 NEC Corporation
is99c 379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
is99s 380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
hp-collector 381 hp performance data collector
hp-managed-node 382 hp performance data managed node
hp-alarm-mgr 383 hp performance data alarm manager
arns 384 A Remote Network Server System
ibm-app 385 IBM Application
asa 386 ASA Message Router Object Def.
aurp 387 Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
unidata-ldm 388 Unidata LDM
ldap 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
uis 390 UIS
synotics-relay 391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
synotics-broker 392 SynOptics Port Broker Port
meta5 393 Meta5
embl-ndt 394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
netcp 395 NETscout Control Protocol
netware-ip 396 Novell Netware over IP
mptn 397 Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
kryptolan 398 Kryptolan
iso-tsap-c2 399 ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over UDP
work-sol 400 Workstation Solutions
ups 401 Uninterruptible Power Supply
genie 402 Genie Protocol
decap 403 decap
nced 404 nced
ncld 405 ncld
imsp 406 Interactive Mail Support Protocol
timbuktu 407 Timbuktu
prm-sm 408 Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
prm-nm 409 Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
decladebug 410 DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
rmt 411 Remote MT Protocol
synoptics-trap 412 Trap Convention Port
smsp 413 Storage Management Services Protocol
infoseek 414 InfoSeek
bnet 415 BNet
silverplatter 416 Silverplatter
onmux 417 Onmux
hyper-g 418 Hyper-G
ariel1 419 Ariel 1
smpte 420 SMPTE
ariel2 421 Ariel 2
ariel3 422 Ariel 3
opc-job-start 423 IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
opc-job-track 424 IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
icad-el 425 ICAD
smartsdp 426 smartsdp
svrloc 427 Server Location
ocs_cmu 428 OCS_CMU
ocs_amu 429 OCS_AMU
utmpsd 430 UTMPSD
utmpcd 431 UTMPCD
iasd 432 IASD
nnsp 433 NNSP
mobileip-agent 434 MobileIP-Agent
mobilip-mn 435 MobilIP-MN
dna-cml 436 DNA-CML
comscm 437 comscm
dsfgw 438 dsfgw
dasp 439 dasp tommy@inlab.m.eunet.de
sgcp 440 sgcp
decvms-sysmgt 441 decvms-sysmgt
cvc_hostd 442 cvc_hostd
https 443 http protocol over TLS/SSL
snpp 444 Simple Network Paging Protocol
microsoft-ds 445 Microsoft-DS
ddm-rdb 446 DDM-RDB
ddm-dfm 447 DDM-RFM
ddm-ssl 448 DDM-SSL
as-servermap 449 AS Server Mapper
tserver 450 Computer Supported Telecomunication Applications
sfs-smp-net 451 Cray Network Semaphore server
sfs-config 452 Cray SFS config server
creativeserver 453 CreativeServer
contentserver 454 ContentServer
creativepartnr 455 CreativePartnr
macon-udp 456 macon-udp
scohelp 457 scohelp
appleqtc 458 apple quick time
ampr-rcmd 459 ampr-rcmd
skronk 460 skronk
datasurfsrv 461 DataRampSrv
datasurfsrvsec 462 DataRampSrvSec
alpes 463 alpes
kpasswd 464 kpasswd
igmpv3lite 465 IGMP over UDP for SSM
digital-vrc 466 digital-vrc
mylex-mapd 467 mylex-mapd
photuris 468 proturis
rcp 469 Radio Control Protocol
scx-proxy 470 scx-proxy
mondex 471 Mondex
ljk-login 472 ljk-login
hybrid-pop 473 hybrid-pop
tn-tl-w2 474 tn-tl-w2
tcpnethaspsrv 475 tcpnethaspsrv
tn-tl-fd1 476 tn-tl-fd1
ss7ns 477 ss7ns
spsc 478 spsc
iafserver 479 iafserver
iafdbase 480 iafdbase
ph 481 Ph service
bgs-nsi 482 bgs-nsi
ulpnet 483 ulpnet
integra-sme 484 Integra Software Management Environment
powerburst 485 Air Soft Power Burst
avian 486 avian
saft 487 saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
gss-http 488 gss-http
nest-protocol 489 nest-protocol
micom-pfs 490 micom-pfs
go-login 491 go-login
ticf-1 492 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
ticf-2 493 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
pov-ray 494 POV-Ray
intecourier 495 intecourier
pim-rp-disc 496 PIM-RP-DISC
dantz 497 dantz
siam 498 siam
iso-ill 499 ISO ILL Protocol
isakmp 500 isakmp
stmf 501 STMF
asa-appl-proto 502 asa-appl-proto
intrinsa 503 Intrinsa
citadel 504 citadel
mailbox-lm 505 mailbox-lm
ohimsrv 506 ohimsrv
crs 507 crs
xvttp 508 xvttp
snare 509 snare
fcp 510 FirstClass Protocol
passgo 511 PassGo
biff 512 used by mail system to notify users
comsat 512
who 513 maintains data bases showing who's
syslog 514
printer 515 spooler
videotex 516 videotex
talk 517 "like tenex link, but across"
ntalk 518
utime 519 unixtime
router 520 local routing process (on site);
ripng 521 ripng
ulp 522 ULP
ibm-db2 523 IBM-DB2
ncp 524 NCP
timed 525 timeserver
tempo 526 newdate
stx 527 Stock IXChange
custix 528 Customer IXChange
irc-serv 529 IRC-SERV
courier 530 rpc
conference 531 chat
netnews 532 readnews
netwall 533 for emergency broadcasts
mm-admin 534 MegaMedia Admin
iiop 535 iiop
opalis-rdv 536 opalis-rdv
nmsp 537 Networked Media Streaming Protocol
gdomap 538 gdomap
apertus-ldp 539 Apertus Technologies Load Determination
uucp 540 uucpd
uucp-rlogin 541 uucp-rlogin
commerce 542 commerce
klogin 543
kshell 544 krcmd
appleqtcsrvr 545 appleqtcsrvr
dhcpv6-client 546 DHCPv6 Client
dhcpv6-server 547 DHCPv6 Server
afpovertcp 548 AFP over TCP
idfp 549 IDFP
new-rwho 550 new-who
cybercash 551 cybercash
devshr-nts 552 DeviceShare
pirp 553 pirp
rtsp 554 Real Time Stream Control Protocol
dsf 555
remotefs 556 rfs server
openvms-sysipc 557 openvms-sysipc
sdnskmp 558 SDNSKMP
teedtap 559 TEEDTAP
rmonitor 560 rmonitord
monitor 561
chshell 562 chcmd
nntps 563 nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp)
9pfs 564 plan 9 file service
whoami 565 whoami
streettalk 566 streettalk
banyan-rpc 567 banyan-rpc
ms-shuttle 568 microsoft shuttle
ms-rome 569 microsoft rome
meter 570 demon
meter 571 udemon
sonar 572 sonar
banyan-vip 573 banyan-vip
ftp-agent 574 FTP Software Agent System
vemmi 575 VEMMI
ipcd 576 ipcd
vnas 577 vnas
ipdd 578 ipdd
decbsrv 579 decbsrv
sntp-heartbeat 580 SNTP HEARTBEAT
bdp 581 Bundle Discovery Protocol
scc-security 582 SCC Security
philips-vc 583 Philips Video-Conferencing
keyserver 584 Key Server
imap4-ssl 585 IMAP4+SSL (use 993 instead)
password-chg 586 Password Change
submission 587 Submission
cal 588 CAL
eyelink 589 EyeLink
tns-cml 590 TNS CML
http-alt 591 "FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)"
eudora-set 592 Eudora Set
http-rpc-epmap 593 HTTP RPC Ep Map
tpip 594 TPIP
cab-protocol 595 CAB Protocol
smsd 596 SMSD
ptcnameservice 597 PTC Name Service
sco-websrvrmg3 598 SCO Web Server Manager 3
acp 599 Aeolon Core Protocol
ipcserver 600 Sun IPC server
syslog-conn 601 Reliable Syslog Service
soap-beep 605 SOAP over BEEP
urm 606 Cray Unified Resource Manager
nqs 607 nqs
sift-uft 608 Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
npmp-trap 609 npmp-trap
npmp-local 610 npmp-local
npmp-gui 611 npmp-gui
hmmp-ind 612 HMMP Indication
hmmp-op 613 HMMP Operation
sshell 614 SSLshell
sco-inetmgr 615 Internet Configuration Manager
sco-sysmgr 616 SCO System Administration Server
sco-dtmgr 617 SCO Desktop Administration Server
dei-icda 618 DEI-ICDA
compaq-evm 619 Compaq EVM
sco-websrvrmgr 620 SCO WebServer Manager
escp-ip 621 ESCP
collaborator 622 Collaborator
asf-rmcp 623 ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
cryptoadmin 624 Crypto Admin
dec_dlm 625 DEC DLM
asia 626 ASIA
passgo-tivoli 627 PassGo Tivoli
qmqp 628 QMQP
3com-amp3 629 3Com AMP3
rda 630 RDA
ipp 631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
bmpp 632 bmpp
servstat 633 Service Status update (Sterling Software)
ginad 634 ginad
rlzdbase 635 RLZ DBase
ldaps 636 ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)
lanserver 637 lanserver
mcns-sec 638 mcns-sec
msdp 639 MSDP
entrust-sps 640 entrust-sps
repcmd 641 repcmd
esro-emsdp 642 ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
sanity 643 SANity
dwr 644 dwr
pssc 645 PSSC
ldp 646 LDP
dhcp-failover 647 DHCP Failover
rrp 648 Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
cadview-3d 649 Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
obex 650 OBEX
ieee-mms 651 IEEE MMS
hello-port 652 HELLO_PORT
repscmd 653 RepCmd
aodv 654 AODV
tinc 655 TINC
spmp 656 SPMP
rmc 657 RMC
tenfold 658 TenFold
mac-srvr-admin 660 MacOS Server Admin
hap 661 HAP
pftp 662 PFTP
purenoise 663 PureNoise
asf-secure-rmcp 664 ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
sun-dr 665 Sun DR
doom 666 doom Id Software
mdqs 666
disclose 667 campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
mecomm 668 MeComm
meregister 669 MeRegister
vacdsm-sws 670 VACDSM-SWS
vacdsm-app 671 VACDSM-APP
vpps-qua 672 VPPS-QUA
cimplex 673 CIMPLEX
acap 674 ACAP
dctp 675 DCTP
vpps-via 676 VPPS Via
vpp 677 Virtual Presence Protocol
ggf-ncp 678 GNU Generation Foundation NCP
mrm 679 MRM
entrust-aaas 680 entrust-aaas
entrust-aams 681 entrust-aams
xfr 682 XFR
corba-iiop 683 CORBA IIOP
corba-iiop-ssl 684 CORBA IIOP SSL
mdc-portmapper 685 MDC Port Mapper
hcp-wismar 686 Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
asipregistry 687 asipregistry
realm-rusd 688 REALM-RUSD
nmap 689 NMAP
vatp 690 VATP
msexch-routing 691 MS Exchange Routing
hyperwave-isp 692 Hyperwave-ISP
connendp 693 connendp
ha-cluster 694 ha-cluster
ieee-mms-ssl 695 IEEE-MMS-SSL
rushd 696 RUSHD
uuidgen 697 UUIDGEN
olsr 698 OLSR
accessnetwork 699 Access Network
elcsd 704 errlog copy/server daemon
agentx 705 AgentX
silc 706 SILC
borland-dsj 707 Borland DSJ
entrust-kmsh 709 Entrust Key Management Service Handler
entrust-ash 710 Entrust Administration Service Handler
cisco-tdp 711 Cisco TDP
netviewdm1 729 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
netviewdm2 730 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
netviewdm3 731 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
netgw 741 netGW
netrcs 742 Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
flexlm 744 Flexible License Manager
fujitsu-dev 747 Fujitsu Device Control
ris-cm 748 Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
kerberos-adm 749 kerberos administration
kerberos-iv 750 kerberos version iv
loadav 750
pump 751
qrh 752
rrh 753
tell 754 send
nlogin 758
con 759
ns 760
rxe 761
quotad 762
cycleserv 763
omserv 764
webster 765
phonebook 767 phone
vid 769
cadlock 770
rtip 771
cycleserv2 772
notify 773
acmaint_dbd 774
acmaint_transd 775
wpages 776
multiling-http 777 Multiling HTTP
wpgs 780
mdbs_daemon 800
device 801
fcp-udp 810 FCP Datagram
itm-mcell-s 828 itm-mcell-s
pkix-3-ca-ra 829 PKIX-3 CA/RA
dhcp-failover2 847 dhcp-failover 2
rsync 873 rsync
iclcnet-locate 886 ICL coNETion locate server
iclcnet_svinfo 887 ICL coNETion server info
accessbuilder 888 AccessBuilder
omginitialrefs 900 OMG Initial Refs
smpnameres 901 SMPNAMERES
ideafarm-chat 902 IDEAFARM-CHAT
ideafarm-catch 903 IDEAFARM-CATCH
xact-backup 911 xact-backup
apex-mesh 912 APEX relay-relay service
apex-edge 913 APEX endpoint-relay service
ftps-data 989 "ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL"
ftps 990 "ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL"
nas 991 Netnews Administration System
telnets 992 telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
imaps 993 imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
ircs 994 irc protocol over TLS/SSL
pop3s 995 pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
vsinet 996 vsinet
maitrd 997
puparp 998
applix 999 Applix ac
cadlock2 1000
surf 1010 surf
1023 Reserved