Major BSODs and their typical causes

Major BSODs and their typical causes.

Sr No
Stop Error
Troubleshooting steps
10x000000EDUNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUMEAs the name suggests, related to the file system. Could be due to a corruption toboot.ini or a bad HDD1. Run diags on HDD. Fails? Try a Format-Reinstall. No go? Replace HDD
2 Passes. Run a chkdsk /r. No go?
3. Format-Reinstall
20x00000024NTFS_FILE_SYSTEMAs the name suggests, related to the file system. Could be due to a bad HDD1. Run diags on HDD. Fails? Try a Format-Reinstall. No go? Replace HDD
2. Passes. Run a chkdsk /r to repair the file system. No go?
3. Format-Reinstall
30x0000007BINACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEWindows lost access to the system partition or boot volume during the startup process. Is the HDD detected in BIOS?
Check the SATA Operation field in the System BIOS. In most cases an improper setting is the main cause of this error. Try toggling betweenAutodetect / ATA & Autodetect / AHCI
40x0000000AIRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALTypically due to a bad driver, or faulty orincompatible 3rd party hardware or software1. Always proble : when & how did this problem start?
0x0000007ESYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION _NOT_HANDLED2. Did the cust try adding any new third party hardware or software
0x0000008EKERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED(This could be anything a PCI card, a new video driver, windows update, a 3rd party wireless card
  3. Try a System Restore
  4. Remove all PCI cards, uninstall all 3rd party H/W and S/W
  5. Try reinstalling all the drivers in the right order
  6. Run diags on Memory
  7. Try a PC Restorex
  8. If all these fails, you could suspected memory
50x00000050PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAMemory Related : Requested data was not in memory. An invalid system memory address was referenced. Defective memory (RAM) might cause this Stop error1. Determine how this started happening
2. Try a PC Restore
3. Run diags on memory.
4. Test with one memory at a time if possible
60x0000004EPFN_LIST_CORRUPTMemory RelatedPFN stands for "Page File Number". " This error indicates that the memory management file is corruptedCan be caused by bad RAM, or by drivers passing bad memory descriptor lists."
70x000000EATHREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVERVideo Related : Generally related to video card or video driver1. Update the BIOS to the latest version
2. Update the video driver
3. In case you are getting nv4_disp 0xEA error try the nVidia drivers available from  
80x0000007AKERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERRORA page of kernel data was not found in the pagefile and could not be read into memoryBe sure to run diags on Memory
90xC0000218 UNKNOWN_HARD_ERRORAs the name suggests, there could be a variety of causes : Could be due to a bad HDD, a corrupted registry hive, a missing system file The Registry files may have been corrupted because of hard disk failure or some other hardware problem. A driver may have corrupted the Registry data while loading into memory, or the memory where the Registry is loading may have a parity error1. Be sure to run extended 32 bit diags on system.
2. If this comes up during OS reinstall, it can be caused by the CD drive spinning the OS CD too fast. Try updating the firmware for the drive
3. Flash the BIOS